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FileZilla 3.46.2 for Mac FTP软件 3.46.2


  1. Bill
    FileZilla是一个免费开源且跨平台的FTP解决方案,分为客户端版本和服务器版本,具备所有的FTP软件功能。在Windows, Linux, MacOS X下的均有对应的版本。软件许可证为GPL。可控性、有条理的界面和管理多站点的简化方式使得Filezilla客户端版成为一个方便高效的FTP客户端 工具,而FileZilla Server(仅windows平台)则是一个小巧并且可靠的支持FTP&SFTP的FTP服务器软件。



    FileZilla is a cross-platform graphical FTP, SFTP, and FTPS file management tool for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and more. With tons of intuitive tools, FileZilla helps you quickly move files between your computer and Web server. If you plan to use FileZilla regularly, you might like the advanced features like manual configuration and speed limit monitoring. While FTP may seem outdated, it’s actually a very reliable way to transfer large files or groups of files to your Web server. And, with FileZilla, you can deploy multiple simultaneous connections to speed up file transfers. Overall, FileZilla has everything you need to support your FTP needs including a documentation wiki and a forum.



  1. 3.46.2
  2. 3.44.2
  3. 3.43.0