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Atheros 网卡驱动 for Mac 10.7/10.8 1.0.2

Atheros AR81(31/32/51/52/61/62/71/72)系列 网卡驱动

  1. Bill
    Atheros网卡驱动 for Mac

    Use your favourite method of adding kexts to /System/Library/Extensions. Personally I prefer doing it manually from the terminal.
    For testing or reporting bugs, please use the kext in the "Debug" subdirectory. This will output much more info to /var/log/system.log.

    Remove any old version:
    sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/ALXEthernet.kext
    (Don't forget to also remove any potentially conflicting kexts from the Extensions directory, e.g. AtherosL1cEthernet.kext!)

    Copy the new version from wherever you extracted it, such as Downloads:
    sudo cp -r /Users/yourusername/Downloads/ALXEthernet/ALXEthernet.kext /System/Library/Extensions/

    Update the kernel cache:
    sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
    Then wait a couple of minutes or so before rebooting. This should trigger kextd to rebuild the cache.
    (Alternatively you could completely remove the old cache first:
    sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/*
    But this is best ran from single user mode (-s) where kextd isn't active and watching for changes in the background.)

    If you find your system becomes unbootable due to panics, the easiest way to fix this is to temporarily disable the ethernet card in the BIOS/UEFI, boot into Mac OS X and then perform the the first and last installation steps above.

    Alternative (test) install:
    To avoid breaking your system if the module is installed but panics every time, you can just test by installing to the temporary directory:
    sudo cp -r /Users/yourusername/Downloads/ALXEthernet/ALXEthernet.ext /tmp/

    Then load the module for testing:
    sudo kextload /tmp/ALXEthernet.kext