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Keka 1.1.30 for macOS 解压缩工具 1.1.30

免费的 macOS 文件解压缩程序

  1. Bill
    Keka 文件解压缩程序
    Keka 所支持的文件压缩格式:
    7z, Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, DMG, ISO

    Keka 所支持的文件解压格式:
    RAR, 7z, Lzma, Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, ISO, EXE, CAB, PAX

    Keka is a full featured file archiver, as easy as it can be.

    With Keka you can compress as many files as you want in a bunch of formats. Divide files and protect them with a password is now a kids game. Just drop the files you want to compress to the Keka icon in the Dock or the main window.

    Also Keka can extract lots of compressed files, from Zip and 7z to Rar archives, even parted ones. Just double click on those files and they will be extracted using Keka, or drop them to the icon in the Dock or the main window.

    Compression formats supported:
    7z, Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, DMG and ISO

    Extraction formats supported:
    RAR, 7z, Lzma, xz, Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, ISO, EXE, CAB, PAX and more



  1. 1.1.30
  2. 1.1.17
  3. 1.1.16