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技巧 适用于 macOS 的 Dynamic Lake Pro(动态岛)

本帖由 avirok2024-07-01 发布。版面名称:macOS论坛

  1. avirok

    avirok 学前班

    Video: https://streamable.com/2e6mvw

    (Translated from English, I hope this is the right place to share it)
    Dynamic Island from iOS to macOS. DynamicLake Pro offers a range of interactive and customizable widgets that integrate seamlessly into the macOS interface, providing users with real-time information and quick access to essential functions.
    I have been developing DynamicLake Pro for macOS, which aims to bring Dynamic Island functionality to your Mac

    The main function:
    * DynamicLake: Easily control volume, brightness and keyboard backlight

    * DynaMusix: Seamlessly manage your music with play, pause, skip and volume control

    * DynaGlance: Get real-time updates on your schedule and weather

    * DynaClip (coming soon): Manage your clipboard easily and efficiently

    * miniLake: A compact version of DynamicLake with a simple interface

    * Slim Player: Stylish, user-friendly music player

    * Dynamic notifications: real-time updates on music playing, Safari downloads, etc.

    * Custom Notch: Personalize your Mac's Notch settings for a tailored experience
    * More coming soon!
